Product Review: New-Skin I need your vote

I have been selected as one of the three finalist in the New-Skin 'Show Us Your Feats' Promotion on Facebook. They are show casing my entry on their Facebook page. Fans will vote to determine the winner so I need your vote. The voting period starts today (Dec. 12 at7 a.m. EST) and will go until 11:59 p.m. EST on January 30th, 2013.Please take a moment and vote for me (Lora Erickson). It's only two clicks of your mouse. Click here to vote on the New Skin Facebook pageIf you are on a phone this link may not work. But you should be able to find it by scrolling down on the New-Skin Facebook page too. Vote for Lora Erickson :)Once you vote, please "share" it with your friends and family so they can vote for me too! I really appreciate your support!New-Skin liquid bandage is a great product I use regularly in my triathlon lifestyle. This barrier helps prevent blisters on my feet when I run and seals up scraps, cuts and heel cracks while I am swimming and competing. This liquid bandage is an exceptional barrier that doesn't rub away. This is a must-have in any runner or triathletes training or transition bag in my opinion. Great product! I'd really love to help spread the word about this great product and could have a farther reach with your vote. Thanks for reading and visiting my website.~ Coach Lora Erickson

Coach Lora Erickson

"Blonde Runner"

Recent Update: January 31, 2013

Because of your votes - I won! Thank you for voting for me! ~ Coach

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